How Has Family of Woodstock Specialized to Meet the Needs of the Community?

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Why #ILoveRHYA: Family of Woodstock in Woodstock, NY

Family unit of Woodstock, Inc. started as a result of the bear upon on the Town of Woodstock, Northward.Y. from the fabled 1969 rock festival that happened 115 miles away in Bethel, which bore the Woodstock proper name. Later the event, the boondocks was inundated with young people looking for Bob Dylan and the "Woodstock Nation." At the fourth dimension, townspeople started taking young people into their homes, for lack of other resource. At a meeting called to accost the issue, a local resident offered up her phone number for whatever trouble that occurred in the town and when she went out, she would calla friend to answer the phone. From those very rudimentary ancestry, Family of Woodstock began and has run the oldest continuously operating emergency switchboard in the country, answering the original line and 11 others 24 hours a day, every day, for 47 years.

In 1974, nosotros were informed that information technology was illegal for us to be taking adolescents into our homes. We wrote a proposal to create a homeless youth shelter and were funded under the commencement circular of federal RHYA coin in 1976. Family Firm, a 14-bed runaway and homeless youth facility, has served all of Ulster Canton always since. After a number of locations, we moved into the County'south heart, Rosendale, to enable the programme to facilitate youth returning to their habitation school districts, if they so chose. In 1991, the agency was successful in opening a transitional living programme, MidWay, in Kingston, which initially served 6 adolescents and up to three infants. A second facility serving some other six adolescents and iii infants was opened in Ellenville in 1997.

Our Basic Center and Transitional Living Programs have formed the foundation of Family's response to youth homelessness. Afterwards addressing the basic needs for shelter and food, the agency has expanded its programming to provide specialized services targeting specific issues young people face, including substance abuse, mental health, criminal justice, and educational and vocational needs. The bulk of the youth have been able to return domicile, often with the assistance of mediation services provided by program staff. For youth who do non accept a stable home to return to, the agency'southward transitional living programme and programs that provide permanent housing with supports for youth with pregnant disabilities have been constructive in providing stable living.

Our mission statement describes the values which direct all of the agency's programming. We recognize that it is critical to show respect and not brunt individuals with our own judgements if they are to effectively seek help from our agency.

Mission Argument

Family unit of Woodstock, Inc. is a network of individuals, paid and volunteer, whose mission is to provide confidential and fully accessible crisis intervention, information, prevention, care coordination, and support services to accost the needs of individuals and families and to build a supportive and healthy customs.

Nosotros believe that the mutual ground which unites us, both helper and helped, is greater than the differences which dissever us, and that everyone deserves the respect and support of our larger community. Nosotros seek to embody and model the qualities of caring and respect within our organization and with those whom we serve. Nosotros maintain an mental attitude which is non-judgmental and not-directive, and so that all individuals are encouraged to resolve problems in a fashion that honors their ain cultural, religious, socio-economic and value systems. Nosotros effort to empower each person to find their own solutions to the challenges before them. In this work, we are committed to search all avenues for assistance, creatively combining resources, as needed. In addition to assisting individuals and families, we continually seek to ameliorate the quality of life in our community past addressing gaps in services and by advocating for more comprehensive, constructive, culturally appropriate and humane responses to people's needs.

The scope of the Agency'south vision allows united states to bring to bear resources to address a wide spectrum of human problems.

In addition to adolescent services, the agency has developed an extensive array of services targeted to the whole customs. Rather than specializing in one surface area of service, such every bit adolescent sheltering, and perhaps sponsoring that area regionally, the bureau has tried to develop comprehensive services, which address all residents' needs throughout Ulster County.

The goal of Family unit's programs is to assist people to achieve self-sufficiency and self-respect.

NN4Y's #ILoveRHYA Entrada








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